Tag Archives: Support

Pointers to work with product support at Liferay – Part 1

Below pointers may help when working with Liferay support to cut response times:

1. How is the vanilla product behaving for your problem area?

2. What are the relevant database tables, source code and configurations saying? Discuss about this early on the ticket

3. Attach any video of the problem that you might have?

4. Have you checked whether it’s truly a Liferay issue or an issue with the environment and ecosystem around it like web server, CDN, WAF and so on. These details should also go on the ticket.

5. Are your logs verbose enough? If not, did you enable detailed logging via control panel.

6. Have you scanned logs of Liferay, Elastic Search, Database, Web server, etc. What errors are being thrown?

7. Did you check thread & heap dump, CPU, Memory, etc.? It will help in certain related situations.

8. Do you have Glowroot enabled? What is it saying about errors, slow traces, JVM, etc.?

9. Are all systems online like File Store, Elastic Search, Database, Web Server, WAF, CDN, etc.

10. Ultimately problems will be either in the product as a feature / bug, database, configurations or the ecosystem or similar logical areas. Isolating these early definitely helps.

11. Have you checked Liferay Learn, Liferay Blogs, Liferay Forums and Liferay Help Center plus Customer portal for similar problems / articles?

12. Are you at the latest minor patch version for your major release?

13. Are your customizations confirming to Liferay & Java official processes?

14. Are you compliant to Liferay support matrix?

Having a wholistic debugging view like above can help support cut through lot of unnecessary iterations.