Kubernetes topics to Search & Learn

PodsContainersRegistryMaster nodeSecondary nodesControl planeNamespaceIngressJaegerPrometheusGrafanaKubectlDockerKubernetes APIMiniKubeLoggingKubeadmStateful vs. Stateless podsConfigurationsYamlsHelmAnsibleOperatorMetrics & MonitoringObjectsPersistent volumePersistent volume claimClustersAuto cleanupKube proxySchedulerKubeletController managerapi-serverAdministrationExtensions & pluginsPatterns for KubernetesAuthenticationAuthorizationhttps://kubernetes.io/docs/home/ #kubernetes #clusters #orchestration #cloud Email me: Neil@TechAndTrain.com Visit my creations: www.TechAndTrain.comwww.QandA.inwww.TechTower.in

Best practices for low code development

Best practices for low code development: Finalize the domain / entity model earlyCheck the capabilities of platform before writing code for any featureLearn XPathTry to have daily builds, daily demos, daily development goals with short sprints – comes from agile worldLearn to use the CI/CD and Code management tools of the platformAvoid deep linking URLs,…… Continue reading Best practices for low code development

What can Jenkins do for you?

Topic: “What can Jenkins do for you?” might sound a bit old fashioned and cliched as Jenkins has been around for a while but it has very varied capabilities via plugins & build pipelines to manage many things. Brief list of capabilities which in no way are exhaustive are given below: Continuous build managementContinuous deploymentContinuous…… Continue reading What can Jenkins do for you?

Key concepts, documentation & keywords in Kafka – Part 1

Here are some important concepts, documentation and keywords of Kafka that you can refer and learn. There are two major flavors of Kafka – Apache Kafka & Confluent Kafka, I have listed major keywords, documentation and concepts from both here: BrokerZookeeperkSQLREST-ProxySchema-RegistryConnectorsOperatorControl CenterStreamsTopicsConsumersProducersPartitionsOffsetLogNodeReplicaMessageLeaderFollowerReplicatorSchema managementConfluent HubEventsAssociated keywords in today’s cloud deployments: Docker containers, Kubernetes, Ansible, Security Associated…… Continue reading Key concepts, documentation & keywords in Kafka – Part 1

Building data models that everyone can understand and more importantly believe

Building data models that everyone can understand and more importantly believe. Faculty Article – Author: Mr. Balakrishnan Unny & Mr. Neil Harwani. Thank you Sapience – IMNU’s (Nirma University) Alumni Newsletter for publishing our article in Changing Times 2.0 (A Special Edition). Sapience-2.0Download

Productivity hacks for Architects / Designers / Tech Leads

As per my experience, the biggest productivity hacks for Architects / Designers / Tech Leads are not to decide the variables / class names / loops / scope / data types / exception handling / object relational mapping & so on – they definitely are important and should be done, but so are the below…… Continue reading Productivity hacks for Architects / Designers / Tech Leads

Data Analysis Process in Analytics / Data Science

This article is based on understanding from Wikipedia article on Data Analysis & my experiences in Data Science / Analytics / AI / ML – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_analysis Various areas like Data Mining, Predictive Analysis, Exploratory Data Analysis, Text Analytics, Business Intelligence, Confirmatory Data Analysis and Data Visualization overlap with this area Before starting your journey on solving an industry…… Continue reading Data Analysis Process in Analytics / Data Science

What are we doing in AI / ML / Data Science / Decision Science / Analytics World? – Glossary

Over the last few years I have explored, programmed, worked in, researched and taught Data Science / AI / ML / Analytics / Decision Science to multiple students and with many software professionals. I have collected many keywords that you can google and explore. This will help you to keep pace and learn about things…… Continue reading What are we doing in AI / ML / Data Science / Decision Science / Analytics World? – Glossary

Changes in India’s education system in last few years

Institutions of Eminence declared – Complete autonomy given to themUniversity status for IIMs, NITs, IIITs, AIIMS, etc. via Institutions of National Importance routeGraded autonomy for UGC affiliated institutions – Based on their accreditation score, they can offer online, distance courses and will have autonomy in academics, faculty recruitment, etc.  Graded autonomy for AICTE affiliated institutions – Based…… Continue reading Changes in India’s education system in last few years

Three waves of Analytics – Notes on articles by Prof. Davenport

References: Analytics 3.0How Analytics Has Changed in the Last 10 Years (and How It’s Stayed the Same) ANALYTICS 1.0 – Business Intelligence, RDBMS & Data Warehousing Vertical scalingBetter results and analysis meant higher processing power & memoryComplex systemsChances of singular failureBackup was compulsoryStorage in RDBMSTransformation in business dimensions and facts in Data WarehouseDescriptive analytics mainly…… Continue reading Three waves of Analytics – Notes on articles by Prof. Davenport