Mastering Data Series – Enterprise Content Management – Part 1

Here are the main points for Enterprise Content Management in Mastering Data series – Part 1 from architecture & technology perspective:

  1. Hierarchical object model to store content & documents with it’s attributes (extended and / or default) in the core engine
  2. Publishing module for content release to audience
  3. Portal for accessing these content
  4. Use cases: Workflow over content, Content publishing, Digital Asset Management, Digital Rights Management, Scanning Solutions, Search, Content Sharing, Content Automation, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Discovery, Insights/Analytics over documents and so on
  5. Scanning solutions: OCR, ICR, OMR, HCR, Barcode, Watermarking and so on
  6. Compliance / Retention / Governance
  7. Lifecycle of ECM: Capture, Manage, Store, Preserve & Deliver
  8. Integrations: SoA, Pub-Sub, ESB, Asynchronous integration and so on
  9. Transformation services between various formats
  10. Distribution over email, paper, internet, etc.
  11. What all comes in the deployment typically: Search, File Store, Core Engine, Workflow Engine, Integration module, Portal, Scanning Solution, Publishing Module, Social Media, AI/ML Insights, Data Science over documents module, etc.
Enterprise content management – Wikipedia

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