Keywords from Day 1 & 2 of Online Workshop on Development and Deployment of AIoT based solution for Industrial Applications by NSUT, Delhi

Attending online “Five Days SERB sponsored Workshop on Development and Deployment of AIoT based solution for Industrial Applications” from 17th-21st June 2024

Organized by:

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi

110078, India

Following Topics will be covered during the program.

• Introduction to AIoT, Sensors, AIoT Use Cases.

• Artificial Intelligence: A requirement for IoT

• Deployment for Raspberry PI

• Machine Learning for IoT, ML on IoT Data

• Deep Learning: A Review, Transfer learning for AIoT

• Deployment of ML/DL models over Web

• Federated Learning based Air pollution Monitoring

• IoT Security: Countermeasures

• Deploying DL model on Edge Devices

• An Assistive Solution for Visually Impaired

• Comparison of Edge Devices for AIoT Deployment

• Research Possibilities and Future Directions – Poster link


Day 1:

  • Grounding in LLMs
  • Fashion industry use case for AI
  • Licensed vs. unlicensed spectrum in India
  • – LoRaWAN, LoRa – AIoT example
  • Elaboration of architecture for AIoT protocol LoRa and LoRaWAN deployed at one of the IITs plus fashion industry usecase

Day 2:

AIoT network simulation:

Automatic speech recognition:

  • Phonemes vs Morphemes
  • Disadvantages of traditional cascade models – errors are amplified
  • MFCC
  • LSTM
  • End to end model
  • Hugging face
  • Whisper model


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