Find below a checklist for Liferay’s DMS (Document Management System) Use Case:
- Size your document average size, range of size, number of documents, type, viewers, thumbnail requirements early
- Decide the workflow templates for start plus growth per quarter & estimated workflow instances per day / week / month in advance which will run on your documents
- Size your file store and decide on SAN / NAS requirements early based on latency / size of documents / number of folders and so on
- Switch to advanced file store early if you have large number of documents – this is preferrable right from the start
- Consider adding multiple repositories in advance if you have multiple file stores and a very large number of documents across repositories
- Use case of DMS specific software other than Liferay working alongside Liferay mounted via CMIS protocol should be considered early incase of very large number of documents across repositories
- Full text / partial / multilingual search requirements should be planned early
- Scanning integration if needed should be considered
- Anti-virus considerations should be considered depending on use case
- Response times should be calculated based on network latency for all users
- Mobile, responsive, desktop, laptop / universal views for documents need to be planned
- Cloud deployment use case in terms of blob storage / file store considerations should be done early
- Separate Elasticsearch should be planned
- Access control, confidentiality, digital rights management related planning and requirements should be done as a prerequisite
- Liferay file store, Elasticsearch, data folder, filesystem and database should not be directly worked on – We should work via Liferay UI/Control Panel/Groovy/API and so on. Exceptions are there like reindexing problems, performance tuning and so on but they should be more exceptions than norm.
- Include backup/restore in sync with database. Also in DR.
- Leverage Ghostscript and Open Office / Libre Office for text extraction and conversion.
- Include clam-av for portal-based scans when uploads are supported from external sources.
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