Balanced software architecture

Humanity is facing unprecedented challenges of climate change, violence, wars, diseases, etc. One of the reasons is development not in unison with universal rules and facts. In physics there are fundamental forces around gravity, atom, electricity, fusion/fission, energy, thermodynamics, quantum, etc. All physical things are quantified using mathematics. If our development is in unison with…… Continue reading Balanced software architecture

Reasonably right decisions – Humanoid framework for AI

I have a perplexing philosophical question. Currently by using our intelligence and common sense we are able to reach reasonable security. Buy authentic, check promoters/owners, check architecture, feedback, surf, read, sites, notes, work, code, etc, this gets us to a reasonably right decision. But technology is exploding. Beyond a point of complexity we won’t be able…… Continue reading Reasonably right decisions – Humanoid framework for AI

Software memories

Many people around us work in tough situations and professions like defense, police, offshore oil rigs, etc. We should have a project where we download their thoughts onto a computer like backup of computer. If they pass away their family will miss them, we cant bring them back but we can definitely give them a…… Continue reading Software memories